Our Ministries

Anglican Church Clothing Closet

Hours of Operation:


November to May, opens at 11:00am and closes at 8:00pm.

June to October, opens at 11:00am and closes at 4:00pm then, re-opens at 6:00pm and closes at 8:00pm.

We are currently accepting donations, during open hours, of family clothing that has been cleaned and gently worn.


For emergency needs and information, please call 613-445-3226 for assistance or email at stmarysrussell@rogers.com

We look forward to serving you in the near future.

Anglican Church Women

A.C.W. assists in providing spiritual growth as well as financial support within our parish, community, diocese and throughout the world.  We would love to have you join us, or for one of our special events.

for more information please contact Melanie Beaupré at infostmarysrussell@rogers.com

Bible Study Group

For those who are interested in studying the BIBLE with Kim Rogerson and Reverend Tom Hubschmid please contact us at infostmarysrussell@rogers.com

Sunday Ministry - Administration

Many people offer their gifts of Ministry at our Sunday services.  You may wish to participate as:

  • Fellowship Hour
  • Host, Co-Host Operator
  • Lay Reader
  • Lay Administrator
  • Prayers of The People
  • Sides-person

Victoria's Quilts

This dedicated and large group of quilters gathers each Friday to design and sew quilts that are provided to people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Each year, over 300 quilts are produced. Each quilt is blessed at a Sunday service at St. Mary’s before being delivered.

for more information please contact:  Anne Mains at infostmarysrussell@rogers.com

All followers of Jesus Christ are welcome at the Lord’s table.

St. Mary’s is engaged in actively sharing God’s unconditional grace and love.

last update date: 11 October 2024