Supporting St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Russell, Ontario
Donations & Offerings, to financially support our parish, go towards the church and parish house maintenance, utilities, assessment and other planned, unplanned expenses. As part of our mission, we also oversee events and internal organisation of services requiring the support of your donations.
The following 4 methods are available to provide financial support to St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Russell, Ontario. Using one of the following methods, will ensure tax receipt to be issued at the end of the year.
1. Weekly Offering Envelopes available by contacting
2. Bankers Cheque can be sent via Canada Post to our treasurer. For mailing information, please contact through the church office or by email at
3. Join the monthly Pre-Authorised Remittance service.
“Pre-Authorised Remittance”, or PAR, allows you to support your church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account.
Besides being convenient, using PAR for your offering ensures regular monthly givings to help St. Mary’s ministry even when you are away.You will be providing a dependable flow of contributions, which increases St. Mary’s overall financial stability.
Pre-Authorized Remittance Authorization Form:
PAR Cancellation Notice:
PAR Changes/Information Sheet:
4. Partnered and registered with “”, providing you with immediate, trusted and bilingual access to online service offerings or donations.
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En partenariat avec!
le don en toute simplicité
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