
St. Mary's Anglican Church

139 Castor St, Russell, ON K4R 1C7


The Reverend Tom Hubschmid

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Sunday Church Services 

Eucharistic Service


Everyone is welcome to our Lord’s table to participate in the Holy Eucharist. This service alternates weekly between the modern wording of The Book of Alternate Services and the language of the Book of Common Prayer 1962. We, also, have a Sunday School for your children.

We adhere to the health guidelines offered by the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa and the Eastern Ontario Health Unit.
Please contact us at infostmarysrussell@rogers.com or stmarysrusselltechassistyou@gmail.com

Remembering that the Diocese of Ottawa was founded on the unceded, ancestral territory of the Algonquin-Anishinabe people, we give thanks for them and for all who have walked these lands on which we worship.

We seek to nurture our relationship with our Indigenous members and neighbours, and to share responsibility for their homelands.

Youth Group!

The parishes of St Mary’s, Russell and Holy Trinity, Metcalfe are excited to announce that we will be starting a Weekly Youth Group!
Who?  Local Youth, grades 7-12
Where? In the Hall at Holy Trinity, 8140 Victoria Street, Metcalfe
When? Monday Evenings, 7-8:30pm
What?  Fun, Friends, Fellowship, discussions, learning, Jesus, activities and occasional dance parties!
Why?  Because our Youth are awesome!!

Please Feel free to reach out to us for more information.

Come out to join us for our 1st night this Monday! We can’t wait to meet you and see where this will go!

Vikki McCulloch (613)852-4016 vikkimcculloch@gmail.com
Marion Cobb   (613) 532-7087   mscharf@rogers.com

*****bring clean indoor shoes*****

O God, it is your will to hold both heaven and earth in a single peace. Let the design of your great love shine on the waste of our wraths and sorrows, and give peace to your church, peace among nations, peace in our homes, and peace in our hearts; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

All followers of Jesus Christ are welcome at the Lord’s table.

St. Mary’s is engaged in actively sharing God’s unconditional grace and love.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!Partnered with CanadaHelps.org giving made simple

last updated on:  02 December 2024